2014年5月31日 星期六


文章日期:2008-04-05 01:14

© Anders Andersen


This is a translation of a lace knitting pattern in Danish found at http://www.kunststrik.dk/storrund.htm


K = knit
K2TOG = knit 2 together
SKP = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitches over
SK2P = slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over
YO = yarn over
()x = knit text in brackets as many times as indicated after the "x"
[]x = repeat enclosed instructions as many times as indicated after the "x"
*-* = repeat enclosed instructions till end of round.
All rows not mentioned are knit plain.
Cast on 6 stitches, and distribute them on 3 needles, 2 stitches on each.
Knit in rounds, marking the start of the round with a coloured loop of thread.
Change to a circular needle when needed.
Row 1: K
Row 2: (K1, YO)x6
Row 6: (K1, YO)x12
Row 10: (K1, YO)x24
Row 15: (K1, YO)x48
Row 22: (K7, YO, K1, YO)x12
Row 24: (SKP, K3, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO)x12
Row 26: (SKP, K1, K2TOG, YO, K2TOG, YO, K1, YO, SKP, YO)x12
Row 28: (SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO, SKP, YO)x12
Row 30: (K2, YO, SKP, YO, SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, K1)x12
Row 32: (K3, YO, SKP, K1, K2TOG, YO, K2)x12
Row 34: (K4, YO, SK2P, YO, K3)x12
Row 36: (K1, YO)x4, [SK2P, (YO, K1)x7, YO]x11, SK2P, (YO, K1)x3, YO
Row 38: K7, (SK2P, K13)x11, SK2P, K6
Row 39: K6, (SK2P, K11)x11, SK2P, K5
Row 40: (K1, YO)x5, [SK2P, (YO, K1)x9, YO]x11, SK2P, (YO, K1)x4, YO
Row 41: K9, (SK2P, K17)x11, SK2P, K8
Row 42: K8, (SK2P, K15)x11, SK2P, K7
Row 43: K7, (SK2P, K13)x11, SK2P, K6
Row 44: (K1, YO)x6, [SK2P, (YO, K1)x11, YO]x11, SK2P, (YO, K1)x5, YO
Row 45: K11, (SK2P, K21)x11, SK2P, K10
Row 46: K10, (SK2P, K19)x11, SK2P, K9
Row 47: K9, (SK2P, K17)x11, SK2P, K8
Row 48: K8, (SK2P, K15)x11, SK2P, K7
Row 49: (K1, YO)x7, [SK2P, (YO, K1)x13, YO]x11, SK2P, (YO, K1)x6, YO
Row 50: K13, (SK2P, K25)x11, SK2P, K12
Row 51: K12, (SK2P, K23)x11, SK2P, K11
Row 52: K11, (SK2P, K21)x11, SK2P, K10
Row 53: K10, (SK2P, K19)x11, SK2P, K9
Row 54: (K1, YO, SKP, K5, K2TOG, YO)x24
Row 56: (K2, YO, SKP, K3, K2TOG, YO, K1)x24
Row 58: (K1, YO, SKP, YO, SKP, K1, K2TOG, YO, K2TOG, YO)x24
Row 60: (K2, YO, SKP, YO, SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, K1)x24
Row 62: [K1, (K2TOG, YO)x2, K1, (YO, SKP)x2]x24
Row 63: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 64: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO, SKP, YO)x24
Row 66: (K1, K2TOG, YO, K5, YO, SKP)x24
Row 67: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 68: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, YO, K7, YO)x24
Row 69: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 70: Move marker to show start of new round: [SK2P, (YO, K1)x7, YO]x24
Row 71: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 72: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K13)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 73: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K11)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 74: Move marker to show start of new round: [SK2P, (YO, K1)x9), YO]x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 75: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K17)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 76: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K15)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 77: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K13)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 78: Move marker to show start of new round: [SK2P, (YO, K1)x11), YO]x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 79: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K21)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 80: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K19)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 81: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K17)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 82: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K15)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 83: Move marker to show start of new round: [SK2P, (YO, K1)x13), YO]x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 84: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K25)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 85: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K23)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 86: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K21)x24, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 87: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, K19)x24
Row 88: (K1, YO, SKP, K5, K2TOG, YO)x48
Row 90: (K2, YO, SKP, K3, K2TOG, YO, K1)x48
Row 92: [K1, (YO, SKP)x2, K1, (K2TOG, YO)x2]x48
Row 94:(K2, YO, SKP, YO, SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, K1)x48
Row 96: [K1, (K2TOG, YO)x2, K1, (YO, SKP)x2]x48
Row 97: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 98: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO, SKP, YO)x48
Row 100: (K1, K2TOG, YO, K5, YO, SKP)x48
Row 101: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 102: Move marker to show start of new round: (SK2P, YO, K7, YO)x48
Row 103: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 104: Move marker to show start of new round: [SK2P, (YO, K1)x7, YO]x48
Row 105: K, but do NOT knit the last stitch in round. New round starts here.
Row 106: Like row 72, but with 48 repeats.
Row 107-123: Like row 73-89, but with 48 repeats.
Row 124-127: Like row 90-93 but with 96 repeats instad of 48, and do NOT knit the last stitch of row 127. New round starts here.
Row 128: (SK2P, YO, K2TOG, YO, SK2P, YO, SKP, YO)x96
ROW 129: K

Finish with a round of crocheted loops. Where crochet terms differ, UK/US.
Miss/skip first 3 stitches in round, *chain 8, 3 stitches together with a double/single crochet, chain 8, 5 stitches together with a dc/sc*
The Danish website states that the original pattern is in the public domain. Except for posting on a website this translation may be distributed in any non-commercial way you like, as long as a reference to Yarn Over is included.

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