Row 1 (WS): Ch 5 (counts as tr and ch 1), V in first sc for front increase, *ch 6, skip next 7 sc, INC-V in next sc for
shoulder corner, ch 6, skip next 7 sc*, INC-V in next sc for center back corner; repeat from * to *, [V, ch 1, tr] in last sc for
front increase, turn.
Row 2 (RS): Ch 4 (counts as tr), skip first ch-1 sp, FAN in ch-1 sp of next V, *skip next 3 Fsc, SPsc in next Fsc; over next
corner, work [FAN in ch-1 sp of next V, sc in next corner ch-3 sp, FAN in ch-1 sp of next V]*; repeat from * to * 2 more
times, skip next 3 Fsc, SPsc in next Fsc, FAN in ch-1 sp of last V, tr in fourth ch of turning ch, turn—8 fans.
For Size 2XL/3XL
Row 1 (WS): Ch 5 (counts as tr and ch 1), V in first sc for front increase, *ch 6, skip next 5 sc, V in next sc, ch 6, skip next
5 sc, INC-V in next sc for corner*; repeat from * to * 3 more times, ending last repeat with [V, ch 1, tr] in last sc for front
increase, turn.
Row 2 (RS): Ch 4 (counts as tr), skip first ch-1 sp, FAN in ch-1 sp of next V, *skip next 2 Fsc, SPsc in next Fsc, FAN in
ch-1 sp of next V, skip next 2 Fsc, SPsc in next Fsc**; over next corner, work [FAN in V, sc in corner ch-3 sp, FAN in V]*;
repeat from * to * 2 more times, then repeat from * to ** once, FAN in ch-1 sp of last V, tr in fourth ch of turning ch, turn—
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