2014年5月22日 星期四


文章日期:2008-11-28 22:54

Crochet Handbag
PURSE SIDE (make 2)With larger hook and 1 strand each of A and B held together, ch 49.
Row 1 (RS): Sc into the 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across – 48 sc. Turn each row.
Rows 2-14: Ch 1, sc in each sc across.
Row 15: Ch 1, sc in 3 sc, (skip 3 sc, insert hook from back to front around the next (4th) sc and pull up a loop, insert hook from front to back around first skipped sc and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 3 loops on hook – pleat made), (sc in next 2 sc, make pleat) twice, sc in 10 sc, (make pleat, sc in next 2 sc) twice, make pleat, sc in last 3 sc – 30 sc with 6 pleats.
Row 16: Ch 1, sc in each sc across. Place st markers at beginning and end of this row – 30 sc.
Row 17: Ch 1, sc into back loop of each sc across – 30 sc.
Rows 18-23 Ch 1, sc in each sc across.
Fasten off.
With smaller hook and A, sc around handles to cover. Fasten off.
With smaller hook and A, ch 17.
Row 1: Sc into the 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across – 16 sc. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each sc across. Do not fasten off. Turn.
Sc evenly around entire strap, working 2 sc in each corner, join with a slip st to first sc of edging. Fasten off.
With smaller hook and A, ch 10.
Row 1: Sc into the 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across – 9 sc. Turn each row.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each sc across.
Row 3: Ch 6, sc in each sc across.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in each sc across. Do not fasten off.
Sc evenly around entire strap, working 2 sc in each corner and 8 sc in the ch-6 loop, join with a slip st to first sc of edging. Fasten off.
With larger hook and 1 strand each of A and B held together, ch 5."
Rnd 1: Work 8 sc into 3rd ch from hook, join with a slip st to first sc. Fasten off. Pull unworked ch sts tightly.
With RS together and WS facing, pin sides together. With larger hook and 1 strand each of A and B held together, sc evenly through both sides, beg at stitch markers, down side, around the bottom and up the other side to second set of stitch markers to join. Fasten off. Turn purse to RS.
EdgingWith larger hook and 1 strand each of A and B held together, sc evenly around opening, join with a slip st to first sc. Fasten off.
Thread each handle strap through a purse handle. With A, whipstitch handle strap firmly to purse with one side of strap on the inside and the other side of strap on the outside of purse.
Sew button to the front side of purse in the center of Row 18. Whipstitch closure strap to the center back of purse using the ch-6 loop as the buttonhole. Weave in ends.

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